Lawn mowing.

Our specialty - the service that Volt Mowing is built on. But there’s more to a great lawn than simply cutting grass. We like to think of ourselves as turf technicians - precision and accuracy are key. Where others simply gauge height of cut in “adjuster notches” we count in millimetres. In fact our cylinder mower is adjusted in 0.18mm increments! This allows us to use the correct cut height in any situation, with reliable and repeatable results.

But if you really want to take your lawn to the next level it will need more than regular mowing. Good thing we are a full service business. Whatever you need, we have it covered.

  • How do you determine the correct height of cut?

    We work on the “1/3 rule” - the rule states that no more than 1/3 of the grass leaf should be removed in one mow. This maximises turf health and vigour and helps to create a dense lawn that naturally smothers out weeds.

    HOC also comes down to personal preference, the desired aesthetic of the lawn as well as the ideal mowing frequency. Individual turf variety also plays a role. We consider all these factors to create a mowing schedule that will deliver the best results.

  • One of the biggest misconceptions we encounter is the belief that mowing extremely low will reduce weed pressure and extend the interval between mows. Actually the opposite is true! 

    Scalping removes the majority (or all) turf leaf and exposes the crown of the plant. Done correctly with adequate nutrition and water for a quick recovery as part of a lawn renovation the process as a whole is beneficial. But regularly scalping a lawn will stress the plant as it cannot photosynthesise without it’s leaf canopy and continually exposing bare soil creates the perfect environment for weeds to germinate.

  • The below graph illustrates the relationship between mowing frequency and HOC within a mowing schedule that accounts for the 1/3 rule.

    For the sake of comparison the graph uses a theoretical growth rate of 1mm/day. A third of 10mm is much less than a third of 55mm so it’s plain to see the increased mowing frequency of every 3 days for a 10mm HOC compared to every 18 days for a 55mm HOC.


Lawn grub control.

Armyworm can decimate a lawn within a matter of days! There’s nothing worse than seeing all that hard work undone by a pest invasion. Lawn grub killer is often the go to product, but this needs to reapplied to break the lawn grub lifecycle and there’s no guarantee that they won’t return. Whilst these products kill the lawn grubs they also damage soil microbiome. Thankfully we offer a preventative treatment that will stop Armyworm and other pests before they even damage your lawn. This is by far the most cost effective option and is extremely safe, so much so that it isn’t actually a registered poison.

Soil amendments.

A great lawn is built on great soil. Healthy soil is alive - full of microscopic organisms and earthworms that form a dynamic ecosystem that benefits plants, including turf. We can tailor a liquids or granular package to suit your lawn. By regularly applying the right products your soil health and quality are greatly improved, which in turn provides a solid basis for an amazing lawn.

Fertiliser application.

All living things need food to grow and remain healthy, turf is no different. A lawn that is lacking proper nutrition won’t be at its best - visual quality will suffer, it will be susceptible to greater damage from heat or water stress and the door will be open for weeds to take over. A well fed lawn on the other hand will naturally outcompete weeds, will recover quickly from environmental stresses and will look its absolute best at any time of the year. But easy does it! Over fertilising can lead to a host of issues that are just as damaging to a lawn and create a lot of extra maintenance. We tailor fertiliser applications to suit the turf variety, usage and time of year.

We are fully licensed for all spray applications.

Weed control.

Weeds are one pest that can be difficult to eliminate. Some people struggle for years to control a weed problem. We have a range of professional options available whether the weeds are in a lawn, garden, pebble/rock area, residential, commercial or industrial setting. We can stop weeds from becoming a problem at all, as well as dealing with an existing weed infestation with effective treatments that last up to 6 months or more from a single spray application.

Hedge maintenance.

Nothing has quite the same impact as a great hedge. The sharp lines and smooth curves, the precision trimming that draws the eye and highlights a great lawn. The range of forms that bridge the gap between green space and architecture.


Accurate and precise trimming is one of the most important aspects of hedge work. Without consistent trimming the hedge will be constantly changing shape and won’t ever reach its full potential. We take the same precision used on lawns and apply it to hedges to give the most consistent shape and best result possible.

Request a quote or book now:

… and maintain.

Just as there’s more to a great lawn than simply mowing - there’s more to a great hedge than simply trimming. Our professional approach to maintenance means your hedge will receive all the right products at the right time to look it’s best all year round and remain healthy and pest-free.